The plan for healthy and beautiful skin

Did you know that your blood sugar level can be read on your skin? If the value is too high, the skin becomes drier and paler, and its elasticity decreases. This leads to the formation of wrinkles. The more “saccharification” that takes place, the faster we age. The good news: you can do something about this process, glycation.
The advertising of various care products promises us a lot and that non-stop: radiantly young and healthy skin without wrinkles in every situation in life. And to top it off: The skin suffering from acne is transformed into an even one. The popular care routine makes it possible: A cleanser here, a toner there, a cream there and of course a serum there, of course! Clear? Wonderful! But from a holistic point of view, this is not as clear as the advertising promises us.
It's no longer a secret: drinking enough liquid is essential for our body and skin. Of course, sun care that is individually tailored to the skin and general skin care are also part of everyday life. Like the air you breathe.
The soul is reflected in the skin. Did you know that your blood sugar level is the actual magnifying level? This is not news for patients with diabetes and their families. Around every second person affected feels the connection every day. However, you don't have to be diabetic to be confronted with the result of your blood sugar when you look in the mirror every day. The skin appears drier and pale, and its elasticity decreases. This leads to the formation of wrinkles. The more “saccharification” that takes place, the faster we age. Inflammatory reactions can be caused.
How does blood sugar affect the complexion?
glycation! Have you read about it? Glycation refers to the natural chemical reaction. It occurs when blood sugar is higher than insulin can control. Within this biochemical process, the sugar molecules combine with the proteins collagen and elastin. A concatenation takes place. The resulting anti-bodies lead to a loss of elasticity. Et voilà: the signs of skin aging become visible. Glycation is therefore nothing more than the saccharification of our tissue fibers. After UV rays and smoking, glycation is the third cause of premature skin aging.
What Can You Do About Glycation?
A good approach is to change your diet and your personal lifestyle and to use high-quality care products.
We all already know that almost all foods contain glucose and fructose. Or they are well hidden in the products. Carbohydrates are one of the most important sources of energy. These are also made up of sugar molecules. It is well known that there is sugar in fruit. Many types of fruit are real carbohydrate bombs. Are you not really aware of that? No panic! Our body needs carbohydrates. Preferably those that are tailored to your personal needs. When blood sugar levels spike, it causes inflammation throughout the body. These spikes also cause your body to produce more sebum, an oily substance in your skin. Both inflammation and excess sebum can lead to acne. That we should eat a balanced and healthy diet is not new wisdom either. It is important that we use foods that contain many antioxidants. These do not help against glycation. However, they protect your cells and bind free radicals.
You can also round off your care routine from the inside. Introduce coordinated dietary supplements into your everyday life. Products with white mulberry leaves are particularly recommended. These can significantly inhibit the absorption of sugar and carbohydrates. Our recommendation? The stabilizer from Avea. They block the absorption of carbohydrates during meals by an average of 40%. Avea contains natural ingredients. Sophie Chabloz from Avea Life : "Balancing blood sugar levels is much more than just preventing weight gain or type 2 diabetes. It also affects your energy, your mood, your sleep, your hormone levels, your skin. That's why our stabilizer can be useful for everyone."
care products
Do you want healthy, fresh skin with that certain glow? They use care products that are tailored to you. Integrate this into your usual care routine. It is crucial that you attach importance to the correct order and its application. The basis of a good care routine consists of cleansing and a toner/facial tonic. Use this in the evening to remove make-up. Overnight the skin is in the regeneration process. It is affected by excretions such as sweat, water and much more. This step offers the best way to prepare the skin for the actual skin care and to regulate the PH value. Of course, cleaning is also possible in the morning. Therefore, the following applies: Afterwards, apply a day or night cream that is tailored to your skin. Optionally, a serum can be applied before the day or night cream. Care for the particularly sensitive skin area with an eye cream. By the way: Your lips love the excess leftovers. For weekly extra care, integrate a peeling and a mask that is tailored to your skin. That too, we all know it: no skin is like the other. For this reason, you should use Celagen products. It doesn't get any more individual. After a personal skin analysis, Swissskintec Gmbh produces your personal care product that is completely tailored to you and your skin. The practical thing is that the day and night cream are combined in one product.
Stress, pressure and constantly under power. Having the feeling of doing justice to others and having to meet high expectations at all times. Do you know that too or have you already caught yourself in such moments? Our body doesn't lie! It releases cortisol, which in turn is linked to poorer blood sugar levels. What are we doing about it? Exactly: work-life balance or as André Horat , Coaching & Consulting, prefers to call it: life-life balance. Because work is life too. And it has recently become known that stress, pressure and mental stress can also lead to impurities and aging of our skin. Just like head, stomach, back, shoulder or other body aches. Health and healthy skin also have to do with psychological, physical and mental composure, strength and power.
Set the focus on finding the right balance for your daily performance.
How about a yoga class? A short walk after work or a visit to the sauna? Determine your relaxation technique and listen to your body. And yes, exercise is also a good way to get your blood sugar back on track. A coordinated and integrated workout unit not only lowers your insulin secretion, it also strengthens your stress and frustration tolerance.
Are you ready and ready to start your journey to a healthy glow? The CP practice looks forward to seeing you!
Further information:
CP Practice Basel Freie Strasse 103 4051 Basel
Since the company was founded in 2013, the CP practice based in Basel and Bottmingen has focused on a holistic, individual approach. It does not see itself as a classic cosmetics studio, but takes up a significantly larger area of treatments, cooperation and know-how. On September 6, she set new standards for her industry and her first study «Are you still living too short? Pretty sure!" initiated. Within this study, she focuses on meaningful, individual action over the entire lifespan. This includes the holistic view of the individual, the person, such as individual body and skin analyses, stress factors, exercise and DNA-based nutrition.
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